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Radio hobby in general and certainly crystal radio is a mentored hobby with most practitioners able and willing to help one get started and do well in this hobby. In my researches for information I have been greatly aided by the many helpful web resources built by this community. I wish to offer here my sincere thanks for your efforts. I certainly would not have come as far as I have without this help! The following list is only partial to the number of sites I visited and if your page is not listed I offer my apologies. This list represents those sites I found most significant and helpful in terms of 1) Crystal Radio Fundamentals and 2) Set Design Inspiration.

Part 1, Fundamentals:, Sites where I spend most of my time.

Lance BordenBorden Radio Company
The start of my adventure, serious crystal radio kits, a seriously fine gentleman.

Ben TongueCrystal Radio Set Systems
Ben Tongue's website contains probably the most detailed and technical discussion available on the engineering behind crystal radio's.

Kenneth A. KuhnCrystal Radio Engineering
Kenneth Kuhn's excellent pages on the fundamentals and design of crystal radios and all their associated parts, excellently written, accessable to the non-specialist yet precise and clear. I spent hours studying these documents.

Dick Kleijer's site contains great discussions of theory and the results of numerous experiments with his crystal radios.

Owen Pool WB4LFHCrystal Radio Resources
Owen Pool's great site with much fundamental background, projects, teaching, contest results and so much more.

Dave SchmarderDave's Homemade Radios, literally 10's of different sets all with interesting features and each a pleasure to look at. Much technical background and good design ideas can be found as well. I like this page.

Darryl BoydStay Tuned Website: see #58 Crystal Radio Circuits 101
The Stay Tuned Website is probably the site I visit most often of all. This excellent effort contains an enormous amount of information, vintage plans and projects, Contest Radios, Museums, and more. Download Professor Coyle's coil calculators, you will use them constantly. This is the only source for MB Sleeper's 101 radio reciving circuits I have found.

Mike's discussion of his Lyonodyne-17 and the concepts behind its design.

This is also a great introductory page with a great deal of design tips and background. There is no author and its embedded in an eye research center website, oh well.. I highly recommend this page.

Steve Mcdonald VE7SL Radio NotebookCrystal Radio DXing
Great site for discussions of DXing with crystal radios and double-tuned design fundamentals.

Alan Klase's site is chock-a-block full of great work and ideas for interesting sets. His Design 102 gave me good insights in the various incarnations a crystal radio may take.

The Xtal Set SocietyDedicated to once again building and experimenting with radio electronics
Great source for plans and books, kits and parts. I joined the society as soon as I finished my Mystery Set.

Part 2, Inspiration:, Sites with radio plans and projects, so many ideas.

Rainer SteinfuehrGollumīs Crystal Receiver World.

Mike PeeblesCrystal Radios - Peebles Originals!.

Scott's Crystal RadiosMount Your Own Crystals

Tom's Handmade RadiosNice selection of radios, superb craftmanship, for sale!.

Birmingham Alabama Crystal Radio GroupNice contest page, many lovely contest radios

Jim's Crystal Radio PageCrystal radios with ferrite cores, and a Mystery Set.

Larry J SolomonSolomon Radios, several variations on the Mystery Set and others..

So Many more, if I missed your site my sincere apologies.


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